Parasites in humans: symptoms

The human body is a habitat for many living organisms. Mites, bacteria, worms find their refuge here.

Enabling environment, the availability of necessary trace elements constantly nourish them and promote reproduction. Some do not even indicate the presence of parasites in the body. Others are deadly.


Some pathogens can live?

Giardia, worms, pinworms, tapeworms, echinostoma. Signs of infestation almost all similar. Regardless of what pathogen is in the body.

The main signs of presence of parasites in the human body is nausea and feeling unwell, a sensation of tickling in the anus, allergic rashes on the skin.

Many develop diarrhea alternating with constipation, while people naively believe that they have a problem with the digestive tract.

Occur aching pain in the muscles, aching, fever, weight loss, poor appetite. Here are just the initial symptoms of parasites in the body.

If the intestine got Giardia, their appearance often remains unnoticed. Signs of parasites in humans will be a long time absent. No internal changes or external.

Get them, you can just not wash as the vegetables or fruit. Classified as protozoa, class ciliates. Are distributed into the vegetative form and cyst. Latest immerse the embryos in a protective membrane that protects from aggressive factors of influence. They are very small in size, only visible under a microscope.

Signs of parasites in children with acute diarrhea and low-grade fever.

Ancylostoma has the following signs of parasitic worms in humans: rashes on the feet, irritation. You can pick up just walking on the ground without shoes. If the germ gets inside, it multiplies and acts like worms.

Tapeworm bovine or swine is found in meat. Enough to eat undercooked product. It is dangerous because it penetrates the body can get into the brain or eyes. Apni live up to 20 years. Reach several meters in length.

The most common parasites

Of all the above I want to highlight the helminth. It is their most often picked up by children and adults. This disease is especially common among kids in preschool age.

Officially worldwide registered up to 140 thousand infected.

In the environment the eggs are protected by a special coating. So the viability of the embryos is 45 days. At this time they are not afraid of frost, changes in temperature, radiation, UV rays, moisture. I especially love to exist in the soil.

Lack of proper hygiene, hand washing becomes an occasion for the development of infection. Individual is female and male.

Once ingested the eggs develop into larvae or the larvae shed their shell and move into the abdominal cavity. There is already reach sexual maturity. The female brings per day up to 200 thousand eggs. In the length of the nematodes grow to 40 centimeters.

Often live in the intestine, but can move to the lungs, gallbladder, liver, eyes, brain, blood vessels. Getting into the gallbladder of a large number of leads to blockage of the bile ducts. In the liver nematodes do not live long and die.

How is the infection?

parasites in man

The main pathways of worms are:

  1. drinking dirty water or swimming in contaminated ponds, lakes;
  2. raw water from the tap;
  3. unwashed vegetables and fruits;
  4. dirty hands;
  5. contact with infected animals;

Once in the stomach invasions of the early days did not manifest itself. After 5-7 days they are beginning to spawn. Moving inward and anchored to the intestinal mucosa.

Then carried by blood flow through the vessels and the circulatory system. Re-infection occurs when larvae are carried up to the throat.

When a person eats, then sends them back to the digestive tract. Further, the nematodes emerge from the anus due to natural discharge. While you can see them in the stool.


The disease exists in acute and chronic form. In the initial phase signs of the presence of parasites in the body will be as follows:

  1. the temperature increase, sometimes up to 39 degrees;
  2. body aches and muscle;
  3. disturbed gastric motility, diarrhea, and constipation;
  4. skin rash;
  5. insomnia and headaches;
  6. discomfort in the anus;

In the advanced stage of helminthiasis symptoms of the presence of a person disappear. The temperature is subfebrile. Sometimes people think that the body everything is okay and they are on the mend. But it is not.

Infestations damage the internal organs, gnawing digestive tract, open bleeding. Formed cysts in different organs. Clogging of the ducts of the gallbladder sometimes lead to necrosis of the liver.

If the parasites in the body exist for a long time is not good, in some cases leads to death.

How to determine the presence of parasites in the body, men and women?

The fact that the decay products pinworms different effects on female and male body.

In women, the first indicators will be:

  1. fatigue, lack of energy and weakness;
  2. pain from the ovaries and in the abdomen;
  3. failure of the monthly cycle, sometimes with an increase in the number of days of menstruation;
  4. health problems of the bladder, kidneys
  5. ademia kidneys;
  6. monthly become painful;
  7. developing fibroids and cysts in the mammary glands;

To the list of what was presented, I want to add the increase in beloeil, increased nervousness and lack of immunity. Men generally complain of difficulty with urination, cystitis, adenoma of the prostate gland, the appearance of snoring, rocks, sand in the kidneys.

Other symptoms of worms

We learned what the signs are about to test themselves on the presence of tapeworms and protozoa. However, there are a few signs to diagnosis and treatment.

The extra weight comes from the fact that parasitic pathogen poisons the body released harmful products and to absorb glucose. Quick loss of pounds also tells about the intake of vitamins and nutrients.

Anemia or anemia by eating the useful components of the bacterium contribute to blood loss. Signs of parasites in the body in children is most often gnashing of teeth. Appears as a consequence of disorders of the nervous system. Oncology, exploding bodies lead to inflammation. The body does not repair the damage tissues. Infection of the respiratory tract.

A parasitic worm making his way into the lungs is localized in place and starts reproduction. Cough, runny nose, pneumonia and even asthma a sign that the person is sick helminthiasis.

parasites in the body


To identify the disease and timely initiation of treatment will be able to:

  1. General analysis of blood;
  2. serological examination;
  3. coprological method;
  4. x-rays;
  5. tomography;

The first is good because it allows to consider the germ at an early stage. The leukocyte level indicators increases. Coprology is based on the sampling of feces the patient. Smear under microscope for larvae and eggs. However, the methods are not always reliable.

At some point the worm has no time to postpone the offspring. Radiology is done in case if individuals live in the respiratory tract. The infected are given a special tool, then on pictures roundworm or tape visible white stripes.


Once you have made a proper medical examination the doctor examines the data and prescribes medication. Self-treatment is unacceptable, since it delays the period of illness and complicates recovery.

Course individual, but mostly an acute degree treated, and chronic 2-3 weeks. Then requires the submission of material every week.

After curing is to control the process for another 3-5 months, in order to avoid relapse.

Wide application in practice have found the means for blocking the motility of infestations. Effective against Giardia, opisthorchiasis, bio helminths, cestodes at the larval stage, the enterobiasis. Reception once, which is convenient. Then take after 20 days.

People's ways

As an assistant in the fight against disease actively supports garlic. The action of the vegetable due to the antibacterial properties and properties against worms. Ingestion slows the formation of larvae.

Used as prevention, it is sufficient to eat 2 cloves a day.

For the expulsion of helminths bio is preparing the garlic solution. You need to leave the whole head in boiling water for a day. After filtered through cheesecloth, typed enema. The contents introduced into the anus. So, for 3 days. Brings effect and rinsing with a decoction of the plant with milk. Undertake several major Zubkov, filled with milk, boil until tender. The drug is filtered and transferred to a tank.

Administered into the anus. It is necessary to do 5-6 days.

Another colleague will bow. One large head cut into rings, pour the vodka. Wait 10 days and take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day before meals.

Pumpkin seeds mixed with honey. Required green seeds. Per serving you need 120 grams of seeds and 50 mil litres of honey. To eat for the 1st time in the morning on an empty stomach, to do the washing.

Grass killing aliens wormwood, tansy, sweet flag, centaury. On the drug, you will need 4 tablespoons of each. Poured boiling water, leave it for the night. To filter and drink 1 tablespoon twice a day for 10 days.



If you keep some simple rules you can protect yourself from infection. You should avoid contact with patients. Always wash your hands before eating and after walking. To process hands after playing with Pets and teach them to their children.

Rinse fruits and vegetables under running water. Do not drink water from wells, lakes and reservoirs. Not to use tap water, boil it. To always pay due attention to the heat-treated products, fish, meat. To refrain from purchases in suspicious places.