Types of parasites and their effect on the human body

parasites in the bank

The types of parasites that live in the human body and constitute the greatest threat to it, not all are harmless, as it seems at first glance.

According to research by the World Health Organization, it has been established that 95% of the world's population is infected with various kinds of parasites.

Any parasite that lives in the human body poses some threat to it. Some are safer, other types of such microorganisms can provoke a deterioration in human well-being and cause a number of serious diseases. After all, the parasite grows and develops due to the best nutrients that it “steals” from humans. And if the sick person was in excellent health until the moment of injury, monitors his diet, leads an active lifestyle, the presence of parasites in his body may not be noticeable.

But a patient who is weak in health will only aggravate his situation if he gives up on this problem.Soon he will be able to feel all the "delights" of the presence of parasites in his body. So, many types of parasites that live in the human body are able to grow throughout life. This often ends with the fact that some types of worms are capable of reaching surprisingly impressive sizes.

As a result, with their large bodies, they can simply block the intestinal lumen, thereby provoking a number of problems: from simple constipation to varying degrees of organ obstruction. Other kinds of parasites are able to fully produce substances similar to prostaglandins. The human body loses sodium and chloride, as a result, the patient is constantly suffering from diarrhea. And some harmful microorganisms can also disrupt the normal permeability of the intestinal mucosa.

These are just a few examples of the harmful effects of parasites on humans. In general, the picture looks even worse.Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of a similar problem, people should contact a medical institution for high-quality and comprehensive examination, treatment and prevention recommendations.

Parasites are the lower plant and animal microorganisms that live on another individual (called the owner) or inside it and feed on it. Such microorganisms are distinguished by a simplified body structure, the presence of organs for attachment to the host, enhanced development of reproductive organs, amoxibiotic type of respiration, due to which they exist in an oxygen-free environment.

Types of parasites known to mankind today:

  • Worms: based on the structure of the body, they are divided into subspecies such as round and flat worms (in turn, they are divided into classes - trematodes and cestodes).
  • The simplest.
  • Mycoses.
  • Bacteriosis.

Microorganisms-parasites live in the host's body and feed on the food that enters it.

They leave him practically no nutrients and useful microelements, but they produce large amounts of toxins, lactic acid, and poisons. As a consequence, the host organism becomes contaminated with these hazardous substances. The liver, intestines suffer, the skin deteriorates, there is a complete intoxication of the human body. All useful substances simply do not get to a person, and therefore, sooner or later, the intestines will be disrupted in his body. After all, the process of absorption of nutrients of the intestinal mucosa will stop, the work of its peristalsis will be disrupted.

Ultimately, a person will observe a change in his body weight in any direction. An insufficient amount of nutrients in the body will provoke a decrease in immunity. Frequent inflammatory, infectious and even often cancerous diseases will appear. All organs of the body will stop working harmoniously. Regarding the general well-being of a person, he will begin to constantly be in a hungry state, despite how much food he will consume.

Types of parasites in the human body: classification and description

The types of parasites in the human body are varied and are classified according to different characteristics.

So, based on the characteristics of distribution, there are such types of parasites as:

  • Ubiquitous. They live everywhere.
  • Tropical. Found only in the tropics.

Based on the specifics of the biological and epidemiological sense, parasitic microorganisms are divided into:

  • Geohelminths. The first stages of life take place in the human body, and the subsequent ones - on an inanimate substrate.
  • Biohelminthes. The biological cycle of development of a given creature begins and ends exclusively inside living beings, but not a person. Biohelminthes have terminal hosts, in which they develop to sexual maturity, and intermediate hosts, in which the larvae are at the larval stage or reproduce non-sexually. In most cases, a person is the final host of such microorganisms, but sometimes it becomes an intermediate one.
  • Contact helminths. Leaves the human body as an almost mature or already fully matured individual. As a result of this fact, another person may well "pick up an infection" upon contact with the first.

Based on the localization characteristics, parasitic microorganisms of the following types are isolated:

  • Translucent, which live in the intestines and other cavities of the human body.
  • Tissue that live in the epithelium of the human body.

Based on the location, all existing types of parasites in the human body are divided into:

  • Outdoor. These include, for example, mosquitoes and horseflies.
  • Internal. These include: round, flat worms, and cestodes.
  • Bacteriosis. For example, leptospira and staphylococcus.
  • Protozoan or protozoa. For example, amoeba or giardia.
  • Mycosis (or fungal). For example, candida.

There are a lot of varieties of human worms living and developing inside its organs. Let's describe those options that are more common than others later.


Ascaris.Provokes the development of a dangerous disease - ascariasis. Helminthes has a round, elongated body, parasitizing inside the human small intestine. It has a complex development cycle: getting into the throat, it migrates through the trachea, lungs, right heart, liver to the intestines.

All this time it grows, multiplies, populating all organ systems with new individuals. Its presence provokes changes of a serious nature in the patient's state of health. Hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver may develop, degeneration of the cells of this organ may begin, bronchitis and many other equally dangerous diseases of various organs may be provoked. The parasite does not live long, only about a year, then it dies. But due to the high rates of reproduction and the rapid increase in the number of harmful microorganisms in the human body, it can be quite difficult for patients to recover.

Trichinella.They provoke the development of a serious illness for humans - trichinosis. Infection occurs after a person eats insufficiently roasted pork, wild boar, and bear in their food. Once in the stomach, the larva migrates to the small intestine, where its active growth and reproduction begins. The larvae generated by it migrate to all human organs, provoking muscle calcination, severe allergies, severe damage to the lungs, heart, liver. Often, patients with a severe degree of infection and inattention to their health simply die.

Pork tapeworm.Human infection occurs after eating the larvae of this parasite found in pork meat. This is why it is so important to cook meat thoroughly before eating it. The Larvae form of the individual enters the small intestine through the stomach and grows to an adult in this organ. Sometimes the parasite is localized directly in the intestine, it also often affects other organs, provoking development.

Cysticercosis.When it gets into the brain and eyeball of a person, it provokes irreversible consequences. For these reasons, it is necessary to treat patients with such a complex problem promptly and efficiently, although we note that a small number of antiparasitic drugs demonstrate high efficiency in the fight against pork tapeworm. This aggravates the situation in a significant way. But you can't hesitate, otherwise death is inevitable.